Imposiciones en la Confusión
Impositions in Confusion
De aquel período quijotesco en el que, fruto del desasosiego y la frustración, el de las formas sublimes propuso a nivel individual ciertos procedimientos idealistas para abordar la Confusión de las Mentes. Argumentos terapéuticos de buena voluntad para con las mentes sencillas, confundidas y/o corruptas. Imposiciones de manos. Acupunturas. Cataplasmas. Sangrías. Transfusiones.
That quixotic period that fruit of the anxiety and frustration, of sublime forms proposed on an individual basis certain idealistic procedures to address the confusion of minds. Therapeutic arguments of goodwill towards simple, confused and/or corrupt minds. Imposition of hands. Acupunturas. Poultices. Sangrias. Transfusions.
That quixotic period that fruit of the anxiety and frustration, of sublime forms proposed on an individual basis certain idealistic procedures to address the confusion of minds. Therapeutic arguments of goodwill towards simple, confused and/or corrupt minds. Imposition of hands. Acupunturas. Poultices. Sangrias. Transfusions.
That quixotic period that fruit of the anxiety and frustration, of sublime forms proposed on an individual basis certain idealistic procedures to address the confusion of minds. Therapeutic arguments of goodwill towards simple, confused and/or corrupt minds. Imposition of hands. Acupunturas. Poultices. Sangrias. Transfusions.
That quixotic period that fruit of the anxiety and frustration, of sublime forms proposed on an individual basis certain idealistic procedures to address the confusion of minds. Therapeutic arguments of goodwill towards simple, confused and/or corrupt minds. Imposition of hands. Acupunturas. Poultices. Sangrias. Transfusions.