Hambre Directa
Direct Hunger
Proceso de trabajo compuesto por 18 obras en díptico, todas con las mismas características: son pinturas, copia exacta de fragmentos (detalles) de otras pinturas mías de los años 70, combinadas con placas de aluminio, grabadas con el lema “Hambre Directa, 3rd A”.
Process of work consisting of 18 works in diptych, all with the same characteristics: are paintings, exact copy of fragments (details) of my own paintings of the 1970s, combined with aluminum plates, engraved with the motto "Direct hunger, A 3rd".
Process of work consisting of 18 works in diptych, all with the same characteristics: are paintings, exact copy of fragments (details) of my own paintings of the 1970s, combined with aluminum plates, engraved with the motto "Direct hunger, A 3rd".
Process of work consisting of 18 works in diptych, all with the same characteristics: are paintings, exact copy of fragments (details) of my own paintings of the 1970s, combined with aluminum plates, engraved with the motto "Direct hunger, A 3rd".
Process of work consisting of 18 works in diptych, all with the same characteristics: are paintings, exact copy of fragments (details) of my own paintings of the 1970s, combined with aluminum plates, engraved with the motto "Direct hunger, A 3rd".