· Media vida viéndolo todo desde el suelo ·



· Media vida viéndolo todo desde el suelo ·


| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010

Rept-Ras es un largo proceso de trabajo, iniciado en 1978 y todavía inconcluso. Proceso que ha generado hasta ahora poco más tres decenas de imágenes, después de 30 años de gestación y constante desarrollo en silencio. Esta serie, titulada intencionadamente “Casi media vida viéndolo todo desde el suelo”, tiene como hilo argumental la idea de recorrer el mundo -tanto interior como exterior- a ras de tierra. Con la cámara a rastras en lugar de al hombro, y con el rostro mordiendo el polvo por voluntad propia. Buscando observar todo aquello que sólo nos es posible ver si descendemos completamente hasta el nivel de los pies. Desde esa posición difícil e incómoda, arrastrándome como un bicho por entre las más variadas e imprevistas situaciones, he ido registrando, poco a poco, unas veces boca abajo, otras panza arriba, diminutos acontecimientos que, de otro modo, no hubiera podido captar. Es la mirada de lo habitualmente inapreciable, o inaccesible; la dignificación de minúsculas suposiciones fotográficas, de intenciones rasantes, de sencillas anécdotas con vocación superior; es la autentificación de diminutos sucesos y de detalles sin valor aparente.

Rept-Ras is a long process of work, begun in 1978 and still unfinished. Process that has generated far more three dozens of images, after 30 years of gestation and constant development in silence. This series, entitled intentionally "nearly half a lifetime seeing everything from the ground", storyline is the idea of touring the world - both interior and exterior-at ground level. With the camera instead of dragged on my shoulder, and his face in the dust by their own free will. Seeking to observe everything that which only us is possible see if we descend entirely to the level of the feet. From this position difficult and awkward, dragging me like a bug through the most varied and unexpected situations, I have been registering, little by little, sometimes upside down, other belly up, tiny events which, otherwise, would have not been able to capture. It is the gaze of the usually negligible, or inaccessible; the dignification of tiny photographic assumptions, Kreutz intentions, from simple anecdotes with higher vocation; It is the authentication of tiny events and details without apparent value.

Rept-Ras is a long process of work, begun in 1978 and still unfinished. Process that has generated far more three dozens of images, after 30 years of gestation and constant development in silence. This series, entitled intentionally "nearly half a lifetime seeing everything from the ground", storyline is the idea of touring the world - both interior and exterior-at ground level. With the camera instead of dragged on my shoulder, and his face in the dust by their own free will. Seeking to observe everything that which only us is possible see if we descend entirely to the level of the feet. From this position difficult and awkward, dragging me like a bug through the most varied and unexpected situations, I have been registering, little by little, sometimes upside down, other belly up, tiny events which, otherwise, would have not been able to capture. It is the gaze of the usually negligible, or inaccessible; the dignification of tiny photographic assumptions, Kreutz intentions, from simple anecdotes with higher vocation; It is the authentication of tiny events and details without apparent value.

| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 64 x 100 cm | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| (Rept-Ras) | 66,5 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2024
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010
| 65 x 100 cm. | Antoni Socías, 1978-2010

Rept-Ras is a long process of work, begun in 1978 and still unfinished. Process that has generated far more three dozens of images, after 30 years of gestation and constant development in silence. This series, entitled intentionally "nearly half a lifetime seeing everything from the ground", storyline is the idea of touring the world - both interior and exterior-at ground level. With the camera instead of dragged on my shoulder, and his face in the dust by their own free will. Seeking to observe everything that which only us is possible see if we descend entirely to the level of the feet. From this position difficult and awkward, dragging me like a bug through the most varied and unexpected situations, I have been registering, little by little, sometimes upside down, other belly up, tiny events which, otherwise, would have not been able to capture. It is the gaze of the usually negligible, or inaccessible; the dignification of tiny photographic assumptions, Kreutz intentions, from simple anecdotes with higher vocation; It is the authentication of tiny events and details without apparent value.


Rept-Ras is a long process of work, begun in 1978 and still unfinished. Process that has generated far more three dozens of images, after 30 years of gestation and constant development in silence. This series, entitled intentionally "nearly half a lifetime seeing everything from the ground", storyline is the idea of touring the world - both interior and exterior-at ground level. With the camera instead of dragged on my shoulder, and his face in the dust by their own free will. Seeking to observe everything that which only us is possible see if we descend entirely to the level of the feet. From this position difficult and awkward, dragging me like a bug through the most varied and unexpected situations, I have been registering, little by little, sometimes upside down, other belly up, tiny events which, otherwise, would have not been able to capture. It is the gaze of the usually negligible, or inaccessible; the dignification of tiny photographic assumptions, Kreutz intentions, from simple anecdotes with higher vocation; It is the authentication of tiny events and details without apparent value.
