Escenas costumbristas / Manners scenes

1976 - 2021

Escenas costumbristas

Manners scenes

1976 - 2021

"Marilyn at home"
| 65 x 100 cm | Antoni Socías, 1989

En Escenas Costumbristas hay una cierta utilización desvergonzada de los personajes. Retratos que suponen conversaciones en tono alto con los más allegados. Un extraño jamás sería buen modelo ni personaje para un EC.

Existe una cierta “Teoría de la Escena costumbrista” en la sombra, que subyace en la estructura de este trabajo, pero que no ha sido escrita todavía y que puede que no se escriba nunca. Porque no hay nada diferente que decir a lo que expresan por sí mismas esta imágenes diferentes.

Un extraño dominio del azar, en contra del tópico de lo usual.

Las Escenas Costumbristas no tienen método y, al mismo tiempo, son entregadamente metódicas. Suelen darse en momentos impredecibles cuando, por la mente de su autor, solidifican ciertos supuestos tácticos y conceptuales junto a las circunstancias físicas de situaciones efervescentes.

De la fotografía familiar a la conquista del mundo.

En Escenas Costumbristas hay una cierta utilización desvergonzada de los personajes. Retratos que suponen conversaciones en tono alto con los más allegados. Un extraño jamás sería buen modelo ni personaje para un EC.

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There is a certain shameless use of the characters in Manners scenes (Escenas Costumbristas). Portraits posed talks in high tone with the relatives. A stranger would never be good model or character to a "Manners scenes".
There is a certain "theory of the Maners scene" in the shade, that underlies the structure of this work, but has not been written yet and that can be to not write are never. Because there is nothing different to say to express themselves this different images.
A strange domain of random, against the topic than usual.
The Manners scenes do not have method and, at the same time, are entregadamente methodical. They tend to occur at unpredictable moments when, for the mind of its author, solidify certain conceptual and tactical assumptions along with the physical circumstances of effervescent situations.
From the family's photography to the conquest of the world.
There is a certain shameless use of the characters in Manners scenes (Escenas Costumbristas). Portraits posed talks in high tone with the relatives. A stranger would never be good model or character to a "Manners scenes".


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There is a certain shameless use of the characters in Manners scenes (Escenas Costumbristas). Portraits posed talks in high tone with the relatives. A stranger would never be good model or character to a "Manners scenes".
There is a certain "theory of the Maners scene" in the shade, that underlies the structure of this work, but has not been written yet and that can be to not write are never. Because there is nothing different to say to express themselves this different images.
A strange domain of random, against the topic than usual.
The Manners scenes do not have method and, at the same time, are entregadamente methodical. They tend to occur at unpredictable moments when, for the mind of its author, solidify certain conceptual and tactical assumptions along with the physical circumstances of effervescent situations.
From the family's photography to the conquest of the world.
Escena Costumbrista: Visionarios
| Pepe Nebot y Carlos Amorales (artistas plásticos) | 66,6 x 100 cm | Fotografía analógica digitalizada | Antoni Socías, 1992
EC: Matrimonio detrás de la cocina
| Antoni Socías, 2021
EC: Budista Escindido
| Antoni Socías. 2019
"Escena Costumbrista: Madre-hija" (Luis Pérez-Mínguez, fotógrafo)
| 1605 x 130 cm | Fotografía analógica | Antoni Socías, 1994
Escena Costumbrista: Camellero
| Antoni Socías, 1990
EC: Guerrero Bantú
| Joan Bufill | Antoni Socías, 1989
"EC: Gondolero" (Camil Casasnovas, primer payaso de hospital de España)
| 195 x 130 cm | Fotografía analógica | Antoni Socías, 1990
EC: Jinete
| Antoni Socías, 1992
"EC: Motoristas" (compartiendo moto con Miquel Àngel YONOVOY)
| 30 x 45 cm | Fotografía analógica | Antoni Socías, 1992
Escena Costumbrista: Pedigüeño
| 195 x 130 cm | Fotografía analógica | Antoni Socías, 2000
EC: Jefe Bantú
| Pere Joan, dibujante de comic | Antoni Socías, 1989
Escena Costumbrista: Buceador extraviado (Pred)
| 125 x 187 cm | Fotografía analógica | Antoni Socías, 1996
Escena Costumbrista: Buceador extraviado (Menca)
| 125 x 187 cm | Fotografía analógica | Antoni Socías, 1996
Escena Costumbrista: Buceador extraviado (Mars)
| 125 x 187 cm | Fotografía analógica | Antoni Socías, 1996
Escena Costumbrista: Buceador extraviado (Cruces)
| 125 x 187 cm | Fotografía analógica | Antoni Socías, 1996
Escena Costumbrista: Anacoreta
| Antoni Socías, 2000
Escena Costumbrista: El hombre de la zapatilla de Carl Lewis
| 187 x 125 cm | Fotografía analógica | Antoni Socías, 1996
EC: Españoles en Alemania
| Antoni Socías, 1989
Escena Costumbrista: Los desposorios de los Arnolfini en Banyalbufar
| Antoni Socías, 1991
Escena Costumbrista: Los amigos de la máquina del pan
| Antoni Socías, 1990
Escena Costumbrista: Madre-hijo
| Antoni Socías, 1990
Escena Costumbrista: Ñus copulando
| Antoni Socías, 1988
Escena Costumbrista: Artistas
| Antoni Socías, 1976
There is a certain shameless use of the characters in Manners scenes (Escenas Costumbristas). Portraits posed talks in high tone with the relatives. A stranger would never be good model or character to a "Manners scenes".
There is a certain "theory of the Maners scene" in the shade, that underlies the structure of this work, but has not been written yet and that can be to not write are never. Because there is nothing different to say to express themselves this different images.
A strange domain of random, against the topic than usual.
The Manners scenes do not have method and, at the same time, are entregadamente methodical. They tend to occur at unpredictable moments when, for the mind of its author, solidify certain conceptual and tactical assumptions along with the physical circumstances of effervescent situations.
From the family's photography to the conquest of the world.
There is a certain shameless use of the characters in Manners scenes (Escenas Costumbristas). Portraits posed talks in high tone with the relatives. A stranger would never be good model or character to a "Manners scenes".
There is a certain "theory of the Maners scene" in the shade, that underlies the structure of this work, but has not been written yet and that can be to not write are never. Because there is nothing different to say to express themselves this different images.
A strange domain of random, against the topic than usual.
The Manners scenes do not have method and, at the same time, are entregadamente methodical. They tend to occur at unpredictable moments when, for the mind of its author, solidify certain conceptual and tactical assumptions along with the physical circumstances of effervescent situations.
From the family's photography to the conquest of the world.

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